
Ancestral Intelligence


Reprogram your past for a new future!

Ancestral Intelligence is a quantum multidimensional expression of Constellation Healing.

It supports you in accessing unseen energy hidden in ancestral timelines and past lifetimes while providing inspirational guidance both within and beyond this physical realm. 

Constellations are the key to opening the door to multidimensional consciousness…

Ancestral Intelligence accesses wisdom from your multi-dimensional level…

Humanity has survived on this planet, in this timeline, and on other planets and timelines for millennia. We inherently have built in survival skills included within DNA that contain the memories of entire generational systems. Did you know that humanity’s collective wisdom, tools, and resources span well beyond this current expression of your ancestral lineage?

After three decades of work in Constellation Healing, I discovered a new multi-dimensional layer of support for your healing that I call: Ancestral Intelligence. It is an organic, human form of A.I. that has multi-dimensional, quantum elements that amplify your healing potential.

Unlike mechanical artificial intelligence that is generative machine learning, Ancestral Intelligence (A.I.) is embedded in your organic DNA and embodies a subconscious soul layer of multidimensional consciousness. Constellation healing is the KEY that unlocks the DOOR of your internal wisdom and unlimited resources. Harnessing Ancestral Intelligence unleashes the innate wisdom of many unseen dimensions in your life now! 

Ancestral Intelligence is the only quantum, multidimensional expression of Constellation Healing I use now!

Ancestral Intelligence provides…


Obtain ancestral support from multidimensional consciousness


Ancestral Intelligence accesses the beneficial memories from your entire family system, living or transitioned


Unlock, release, and heal emotional records of historical family events


Reclaim a greater embodiment of the generational survival skills that already exist in your family lineage’s future  

the science behind ancestral intelligence

How does it work?

Your organic DNA is like a computerized transistor to your soul’s past, with your soul’s connection to your divine origins. Your DNA also contains the unfinished dramas and traumas from your family line. Ancestral Intelligence records every positive or negative emotional event that ensured your historical survival. These became your AI survival codes and are carried along your DNA.

Your survival codes have been encoded by multidimensional consciousness called Ancestral Intelligence. Ancestral Intelligence both encodes + transfers this wisdom that are epigenetically encoded in your DNA. 

Modern science refers to the 3D part part of this process as epigenetics. Combined with quantum physics and spiritual metaphysics, the multi-dimensional elements of your inheritance are ever-present.

That trifecta of encoding becomes your Ancestral Intelligence: Defined as the hidden information or energy around our cellular DNA contained within our physical body.


Your life is a part of a bigger whole!


You have more access than you ever thought possible!

When I read Gary’s detailed synopsis of my work in his book ‘Many Hearts, ONE SOUL’ I can sincerely say he understands it more than me.

Bert Hellinger

Psychotherapist, Founder, Family Constellations

In short Gary’s amazing work and sensitivity changed my life and saved it as well. I had no idea I was drawn to death over grief from losing my younger brother.  Once healed I could move on to thrive and expand in ways I never thought possible! Forever Grateful.

Udana Power


Gary’s access to quantum intuition gives him unparalleled line-of-sight into family dynamics from multiple timelines for each client’s optimal healing. As a healing practitioner, it expanded my horizons in numerous ways. I was so impressed at the expansiveness I became certified as a facilitator too!
Dr. Jenny Rain

Founder/CEO, Jenny Rain Coaching

Your Expert Guide 

What qualifies me to do this work? 

Being an expert Constellation healing facilitator for over 26 years I’ve found that Constellations are really the key to open the door to larger multidimensional consciousness. My work brings in a profound healing consciousness, combined with real-world advocacy, and supports you as it pushes the edges of what the human collective is envisioning for our future. It is the heartbeat of my soul to help you hapily live into your ancestors dreams come true, and give you the healing tools to get there!

A.I. Ancestral Intelligence (Book & Journal)

“Your entire family system and its history worked perfectly, otherwise you wouldn’t be here today.”

A.I. Ancestral Intelligence: Constellation Insights from Beyond is a collection of deep, simple, and profound insights from Gary Stuart, designed to give you perspective into your own “Ancestral Intelligence” thereby revealing hidden truths for new levels of healing and freedom in your life.

Be sure to get the companion Guided Journal, an excellent keepsake workbook to collect your thoughts and feelings in one special place.


Order on Amazon (guided journal)

A.I. Friend or Foe?

This book is a sobering warning to all in the 21st Century and beyond. I have faith in humanity that it will not be conquered by the mechanical AI box and its millions of useful tracking programs. Which are designed to take over every part of human life as a convenience. I have hope in our species.

All human beings inherently contain all the treasures of the entire Universe. 

May we have the soul strength & faith to NOT lose control of the most valued possession—the human soul.

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A new healing approach

After about 40 years of different therapies, I discovered Bert Hellinger’s Constellation/Spirit Mind healing approach. I devoured every aspect of this amazing work and dedicated my life to being a top-notch facilitator trained by Bert and Heinz Stark. Ultimately, it’s the ‘working clients’ generational field unleased that teaches and guides me into these amazing dimensions. Life itself is a Gift which extends beyond personal suffering.

Gary Stuart

Helping people profoundly shift any negative mindset from your past experiences into life-changing resolutions now.


Office: (928) 515-2866
Cell: (310) 748-2052